Buy proxy for all sites at an affordable price Frigate-Proxy

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Professional solutions for ensuring privacy.
FrigatProxy FrigatProxy
  • Доступ ко всем сайтам
    Access to all sites
  • Социальные сети
    Social networks
  • Avito / Юла
    Avito / Youla
  • YouTube
  • Мобильные прокси
    Mobile proxies

Select a proxy type

We sell proxies for any purpose and task, a large selection
  • Mobile private proxy
  • Mobile elite proxy
  • Mobile shared proxy
  • Server proxies IPv4 for all websites

Mobile private proxy

Country of proxy:
For which site do you need a proxy
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Mobile proxies


Mobile Proxies for social media such as  Vkontakte, Twitter, Odnoklassniki, Youtube and more.

Private - access to all sites except payment systems, mobile operator sites, government sites and sites from the Roskomnadzor blocked registry. One user on one modem, no software speed limit. 100 tcp connections, 15 Mbit/s speed, 500 Gb traffic per month.

Semi-private - access from a proxy is provided to that social media to which you’ve bought access! There are several users on one modem with access only to their own resource. Connections 50 tcp, speed 5 Mbit/s, traffic 500 Gb per month.

    • 20% discount on mobile proxies, Kazakhstan, Almaty

      The coupon "kazakhstan20" can be applied when buying a new proxy for a period of 30 days.

      The discount applies to the following operators and cities:

      Beeline Kazakhstan, Almaty AS206026-1
      Beeline Kazakhstan,Almaty AS206026
      Tele2/Altel,Almaty AS206026-2

      In order to take advantage of the discount, apply the coupon "kazakhstan20" when placing an order.


    • 20% discount on recommended mobile proxies, Russia

      Coupon; "recommend" can be applied when buying a new proxy for a period of 30 days.
      The discount applies to the following operators and cities:

      Beeline, Kazan AS16345
      Beeline,Elite Kazan AS16345
      Megafon,Elite Samara AS31133
      Megafon,Samara AS31133-10
      MTS,Kazan AS8359
      MTS, Elite Kazan AS8359-1
      Wifire,Elite Moscow AS25159
      Yota, ,Elite Novosibirsk AS31205

      In order to take advantage of the discount, apply the coupon "recommend" when placing an order.
      Recommended cities are marked with an asterisk.
      recommended locations

    • Reduced the price of all Belarusian proxies

      Reduced the price of mobile proxies Belarus by 25%.

      Have time to take advantage of the price tag reduction and purchase a proxy.


  • How quickly will I receive a proxy after payment?

    Mobile proxy are issued immediately after payment, automatically and instantly. We appreciate your time!

  • Can I test your proxy before payment?

    We have no free test period. Fur such purpose we have minimum rent period for 1 day.

  • What is the ip rotation timeout?

    All proxy have a 4 minute ip change timeout. The disconnection of the connection is up to 20 seconds. If you need a proxy with an ip change by reference or the ability to set your own ip change timing (from 1 to 59 minutes), then purchase mobile proxy "For all sites".

  • What TCP / IP fingerprint is installed on the proxy?

    All Passive fingerprint proxies have Android (Linux 2.2.x-3.x) installed.

  • What is the speed of mobile proxies and the number of TCP connections?

    All the semi-privates have the speed up to 5 Mbit / s., the maximum number of tcp connections is 30.

    One tab in the browser can make up to 50 tcp connections !!!

    If you need speed and comfortable work in a web browser, we advise you to buy mobile proxy "Elite proxies"!

    On Elite proxies 1000 tcp connections, guaranteed speed of 10 Mbit/s.

    On mobile proxy "private for all sites" the maximum number of tcp connections is 100. Software speed is limited  to 20 Mb/s.

  • I need a proxy with the ip change on request (by link)

    Changing the ip by reference is only available on the tariff for mobile proxy "for all sites".

    The link is generated automatically and is available in your account immediately after purchase.

    If you need to change the IP by timeout on the tariff for mobile proxy "for all sites", then in your Personal Account you can configure individual timing (from 1 to 59 minutes).

    When you click on the link to change IP, the IP change by timing is disabled!

  • Do mobile proxies work with Proxifier?

    Mobile proxy of the type “For all websites” work with Proxifier. It’s due to the fact that Proxifier requires much access to connect to its servers which are continuously being upgraded and added.

  • Can I do smtp newsletters from your proxies?

    No, you can’t! All SMTP ports 465,587,25 are closed. Spam is prohibited and monitored

  • What is the difference between a location and an AS number?

    Geolocation and AS numbers may differ from those declared when purchasing mobile proxy! Depends on many factors!

    We guarantee that the operators you’ve selected will be true!

    Locations are conditionally divided into groups by AS number

    What is the difference between Moscow AS25159-2 and Moscow AS25159?

    It means that IP for one proxy is determined by one geolocation but hardware can be situated in different places. It may be that the hardware is located in one city, or it may be hundreds of kilometers away from each other.

  • Is it possible to get a refund for a 1-day purchase?

    A refund for a 1-day purchase is not possible, as well as recalculation! If you bought a proxy for 1 day, you take all the risks. Recalculation is possible only in case of invalid proxy-immediately after purchasing the proxy!

  • I want to make a refund or replace the proxy

    If you want to make a refund for the purchased proxy, the commission will be 20% of the remaining order amount (equivalent to the remaining days). An application for a refund of funds using your bank details is considered within 5 working days.
    A refund is possible only to those details from which the payment was made !
    The recalculation to the personal account is made on the day of the request. After this amount can be returned to your bank details.
    The commission may not be charged if the proxy did not work for technical reasons.
    A proxy ban on the destination resource is not considered a technical reason for the proxy's non-validity.

  • What is the traffic size on the proxy?

    There is a limit of 1 TB per month for native proxies.

    Excluding proxy:

    Moldova, Moldtelecom 40 GB per month. + unlimited access to social networks.
    Moldova,Moldcell 60 GB per month + 50 GB per month on social media.
    Spain, Yoigo 100 GB per month, 2GB per day.
    Kazakhstan, Beeline Kazakhstan 200 GB per month, 7 GB per day.
    Kazakhstan, Tele2 / Altel 500 GB per month.

    On Semi-private proxies have a limit of 1 TB per month.

    On Elite proxies have a limit of 6 TB per month, 200 GB per day.

    On Shared the limit is 60 GB per month, 2GB per day.

  • Which sites are not available on the proxy?

    All payment systems and banks, mobile operator websites, government websites and sites from the Roskomnadzor blocked registry are closed on the proxy.

Mobile elite proxy

Country of proxy:
For which site do you need a proxy
Rental period:
Your Email

Mobile proxies


Mobile proxies for all sites! Strictly in one hand with guaranteed bandwidth!

Upmarket - access to all sites except payment systems, mobile operator sites, government sites and sites from the Roskomnadzor blocked registry. The proxy download speed is 10-30 Mbps. It depends more on the workload of the base station. Prof is a solution in the mobile proxy segment. 1000 tcp connections, no speed limit, traffic 1000 Gb per month
  • 20% discount on recommended mobile proxies, Russia

    Coupon; "recommend" can be applied when buying a new proxy for a period of 30 days.
    The discount applies to the following operators and cities:

    Beeline, Kazan AS16345
    Beeline,Elite Kazan AS16345
    Megafon,Elite Samara AS31133
    Megafon,Samara AS31133-10
    MTS,Kazan AS8359
    MTS, Elite Kazan AS8359-1
    Wifire,Elite Moscow AS25159
    Yota, ,Elite Novosibirsk AS31205

    In order to take advantage of the discount, apply the coupon "recommend" when placing an order.
    Recommended cities are marked with an asterisk.
    recommended locations


  • Do these proxies work on modems?

    No, we use industrial LTE routers of category 6 for these purposes. A household modem, such as Huawei e3372, is not able to withstand such loads.

  • How many connections does the proxy keep?

    The proxy holds 1000 tcp connections, which is about 25-30 tabs in the browser that work simultaneously. Ideal for behavioral and many other tasks!

  • Is there a traffic limit?

    We do not limit traffic on this tariff. Unlimited tariffs are set on all proxies, but there are hidden traffic restrictions from the mobile operator. As a rule, this is about 1 TB per month.

  • What is the speed on the proxy?

    The proxy download speed is 20-30 Mbps. It depends more on the workload of the base station. But our lte routers of 6 cat. have frequency aggregation functions, this makes it possible to increase the bandwidth of the mobile connection even if there is a heavy load.

  • What is the ping on the proxy?

    The proxy ping is minimal - up to 100 ms. We use a direct connection to the backconnect proxy without any encryption or vpn.

  • Is it possible to test the proxy before buying?

    Yes, of course. To get the test - write to us in the telegram @frigate_admin

Mobile shared proxy

Country of proxy:
For which site do you need a proxy
Rental period:
Your Email

Mobile shared proxies


Shared mobile proxies! Up to 5 users! The proxies are raised on industrial equipment, which allowed us to maintain high performance while reducing the price for the proxy. 


Shared- access to all sites except payment systems. All clients will feel comfortable working, even in the browser. 50 tcp connections, 1.5 Mbit/s speed, 500 Gb traffic per month.



  • How many users use the same hardware?

    Up to 5 proxies for 5 users are configured on one piece of equipment. At the same time, one client cannot buy 5 proxies from one equipment, which excludes getting one ip on all proxies.

  • What is the ip rotation timeout?

    All proxy have a 4 minute ip change timeout. The disconnection of the connection is up to 20 seconds. If you need a proxy with an ip change by reference or the ability to set your own ip change timing (from 1 to 59 minutes), then purchase mobile proxy "For all sites".

  • What is the speed of mobile proxies and the number of TCP connections?

    Speed to 1,5 Mbit / s., the maximum number of tcp connections is 50.

Server proxies IPv4 for all websites

For which site do you need a proxy
Country of proxy:
Rental period:
Your Email

Individual IPV4 proxies for all sites


Issuance to one hand ! These proxies are for all sites. Used only by you and no one else for the rental period!

Elite proxies are characterized by a stable response and speed! For whom the minimum response in work is important (up to 100 Ms) - purchase the "Elite IPv4" tariff

Elite proxies have a passive Windows (NT kernel) fingerprint!


Proxies are suitable for absolutely any permitted actions on the Internet: normal surfing on various sites, registration and use of social networks (as well as mail and other services), for games, parsing, checking, except for payment systems!


  • Can I use payment systems with a proxy?

    All payment systems and banks are not available with a proxy! This was done in connection with the increasing cases of fraud by unscrupulous customers!

  • Why are proxies so cheap compared to other Resellers ?

    Our service is aimed at making proxy servers available to every user by delegating proxy access to sites.
    This means that we make the most effective use of ip addresses for various purposes, providing customers with access to the necessary resources.
    However, a client who purchased a proxy for a specific resource does not have access to other resources that they did not purchase access to.
    Due to this , the price of the proxy is reduced, and the quality remains the same as on private proxies in one hand.
    We do not implement shared proxy!

  • What is prohibited for the user of the "" service?

    The user is prohibited from:

    To carry out illegal collection and processing of personal data of other Users.

    Disrupt the proper functioning of the Site;

    In any way to bypass the navigation structure of the Site to receive or attempt to obtain any information, documents or materials by any means that are not specifically provided by the services of this Site;

    Unauthorized access to the functions of the Site, any other systems or networks related to this Site, as well as to any services offered on the Site;

    To violate the security or authentication system on the Site or in any network related to the Site.

    To perform a reverse search, track or attempt to track any information about any other Site User.

    To use the Site and its Content for any purposes prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as incite to any illegal activity or other activity that violates the rights of the Administration or other persons.

    To carry out the selection of passwords (brute force), scan for port vulnerability.

    To create phishing sites using the Site functionality.

    The user is prohibited from:

    To carry out illegal collection and processing of personal data of other Users.

    Disrupt the proper functioning of the Site;

    In any way to bypass the navigation structure of the Site to receive or attempt to obtain any information, documents or materials by any means that are not specifically provided by the services of this Site;

    Unauthorized access to the functions of the Site, any other systems or networks related to this Site, as well as to any services offered on the Site;

    To violate the security or authentication system on the Site or in any network related to the Site.

    To perform a reverse search, track or attempt to track any information about any other Site User.

    To use the Site and its Content for any purposes prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as incite to any illegal activity or other activity that violates the rights of the Administration or other persons.

    To carry out the selection of passwords (brute force), scan for port vulnerability.

    To create phishing sites using the Site functionality

    To use the Site for the purpose of sending spam, including spam on forums, websites, blogs, e-mail. 25, 465, etc.

    To use the Site in order to spread malicious programs (viruses, trojans and anything that can affect the operation of the software).

    To use the Site in order to hack sites and search for their vulnerabilities (including sql-inj).

    To use the Site for the purpose of distributing materials without the knowledge of the copyright holder (video, music, software, etc.);

    To use the Site in order to violate the laws of the country in which the proxy is located.

    To use the Site for the purpose of mass registration of accounts on various services, forums and social media.

    To be rude, to insult, show disrespect to representatives of the Administration and other Users.

  • I didn't have time to extend my proxies and they were disabled. Is it possible to recover your proxies?

    We can restore the proxy if no more than 2 days have passed since the renewal date.
    If you didn't have time to renew your proxies and they were disabled, write to support and we will restore the will also be able to renew them yourself.

  • Can I test your proxies before payment?

    There is no test mode. We do not give a proxy for the test. You can purchase proxies and try them out. If you don't like the proxy, we can make a one-time proxy replacement for other proxies within 24 hours after the purchase.

  • How quickly will I receive a proxy after payment?

    Proxies are issued automatically and instantly, immediately after purchasing a proxy. If you have any problems with issuing a proxy, then write to our technical support!

  • How many subnets do you have?

    At the moment, the number of subnets avaible for rent is 8pcs. Not all subnets may be in one order, because the proxy is randomly assigned to the list.

Why Frigate-Proxy?

We have over 100 000 thousand visitors all over the world, we have the following advantages:
  • Гарантия лучшей цены

    Best Price is Guaranteed

    The Best value for money product


    Proxies in HTTP(s) and SOCKS5 are available in your Personal Account
  • Выдача в одни руки

    Issuance to one hand

    Proxies are issued for one user
  • Партнерская программа 20%

    Affiliate program 10%

    Our affiliate program allows you to earn 10% of all payments of your attracted clients.
  • Load Balancer

    Load Balancer

    Optimal load distribution across servers, forget about proxy fall.
  • Неограниченный трафик

    Unlimited traffic

    You can use unlimited traffic on any tariff.
  • Все автоматизировано

    Everything is automated.

    Proxies are activated immediately after payment.
  • Мощные выделенные сервера

    Powerful allocated servers

    All proxy have 1 Gb/s channel
  • Техническая поддержка

    Technical Support

    Technical support working hours - from 10:00 am to 00:00 pm Moscow time.